Anger is defined as an intense emotion that sometimes involves a strong and uncontrollable response. The more overpowering the feeling, the greater the influence may be. For instance, many people often notice physical effects such as a faster heartbeat, higher blood...
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Therapy Edmonton – 5 Ways To Tell If You Need Couples Counselling
Marriage therapy, also known as couples counselling, can sound daunting at first but keep in mind that even the happiest of couples hit a few roadblocks sometimes and there is no shame in needing help. In fact, seeking help goes to show how much you value and respect...
Therapy Edmonton – Social Anxiety 101
People often think social anxiety is narrowed down to random parties and meeting new people, when in reality, it can be present at any large gathering - even when surrounded by loved ones. The unspoken obligation to get along and mingle even with those you just do not...
Therapy Edmonton – How to Cope With Holiday Blues
The holiday season is upon us and while many people call it the most wonderful time of the year, not everyone would agree. The holidays can oftentimes bring feelings of loneliness, stress, and social anxiety due to many triggers you may be exposed to. Dr. Gail Saltz,...
Therapy Edmonton – Coping with Grief During the Holidays
With many people suffering from loss because of Covid-19 and the holidays approaching, for some, “the most wonderful time of the year” is not feeling as “cheerful and bright”. Even the most loving families can experience tension when they are grieving, especially...
Therapy Edmonton: How to develop healthy self-confidence when you have anxiety or depression
From childhood, we learn to gain our self-approval from others. We learned that when we get a good grade on a test, it means we are worthy of success. Today, many of us attribute our success to how many likes our social media posts get. Feeling we need to accomplish...
Couples Therapy: How Self-Confidence Impacts Relationships
The way you feel about yourself acts like a lens through which you see the world. If you have good self-compassion and self-confidence, you might notice more signs of others accepting you. If you think of yourself as unintelligent, you’ll likely be looking for any...
Family Therapy: How does PTSD impact a family?
Experiencing a traumatic event can have a lasting effect on our mental functioning. People who develop Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can suddenly experience intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings related to the traumatic event even though the event may have...