Marriage Counseling Edmonton

 Couples Counseling

Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy
that focuses on relationships
and/or the people in them, whether
they are dating or married. Marriage counseling Edmonton can assist couples in identifying
and expressing their emotions, as
well as dealing with problems they
confront. It can be incredibly helpful to
individuals, depending on their needs.

A healthy relationship comprises two
people who are committed to working
together to make their relationship the
best it can be.
Marriage counseling Edmonton is based on the assumption
that relationships are cooperative
ventures between two people who
have separate wants and needs.
Healthy relationships are based on
compromise, understanding and respect
for one another.

As time goes by, problems will inevitably
arise in a relationship, and couples
therapy can resolve these problems.
Marriage counseling Edmonton can be a very
healthy step for a relationship. It’s typically
a sign that a couple is serious
about working on their relationship in a
dedicated and intentional manner.


In order to help couples resolve their problems, therapists use a variety of techniques that will help them. Some of the common techniques therapists use are described below.

Gottman Method

The goals of the Gottman Method Couple Therapy are to eliminate straining verbal communication, boost intimacy, respect, and affection, remove barriers that block emotional connection in the relationship, increase positive interactions, decrease negative ones, and build a “culture of appreciation.”

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This will help the couple to change their behaviours. It helps them focus on how
they behave and think about each other. This will enable them to change their behaviour and increase satisfaction in their relationship.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy

It deals with the way people relate. This method of therapy aims at helping each partner express their feelings more directly. The therapist may help each person express themselves more fully and listen more closely without immediately defending themselves or focusing on the problem.

Emotion-Focused Therapy

This can help couples reduce their anger and resentment while focusing on their mutual needs and interests. It can help them improve their emotional connection and show couples how to connect from a place of emotional strength that comes from within.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

This is used as a trauma treatment as it encourages the brain to let go of negative emotional responses to past events. This technique helps the individual move forward and develop a different perspective of experience. Usage of this therapy may help the individuals to develop healthier relationships.

Reality Therapy

This can assist couples in identifying how they are hurting each other and stopping their negative behaviour. Couples therapy will help individuals take responsibility for their actions and encourage them to engage in positive behaviours to improve the relationship.


Couples therapy is a great way for couples to grow closer by working with a therapist who will help them healthily communicate with each other. You may struggle to communicate effectively by yourself, or you may be unaware of certain behaviours that are destructive to your relationship.

As you work with your therapist, they will help you discover ways to improve communication in your relationship. Marriage counseling Edmonton can assist you on the road to a better, more open relationship that is built on trust and respect. It can help you build a healthy foundation for your future together.

During therapy, couples can often find certain roots of their problems. They may discover that they care so much about things because they lack some areas of their lives.

It may be that one or both partners in a couple do not have a properly developed sense of self. Through counseling, they can learn to get in touch with themselves by learning how to soothe themselves, relax, and take time for themselves. They may also discover how to meet their own needs more fully, instead of always expecting their partner to do so.

Marriage Counseling Edmonton


It’s not always easy to recognize when it’s time to seek therapy. In general, the best time to seek individual counseling is when you feel overwhelmed or frustrated with your life or some aspect of it. Whether that’s due to stress at home, relationships, grief or loss, and unhealthy coping strategy or a self-destructive thought pattern, the counseling process can help you address these issues.

It’s also a good idea to seek marriage counseling Edmonton when you’re unhappy with your life. If you feel lost, overwhelmed, or pessimistic about your future, counseling can help you make the necessary changes. You may also want to seek marriage counseling Edmonton when there’s a problem in your life that you feel unable to address on your own. Whether it’s an ongoing issue at work, school or home, counseling can help you get back on track.


Many marital issues can be addressed successfully through marriage counseling Edmonton. A study completed by the Gottman Institute set out to determine the success rates of counseling. The study found that 75% of couples showed significant improvement within three years after completing therapy.

Most people might define success as either staying together or separating peacefully. Some couples may decide to split because they realize that they are not meant to be together. Other couples may find that they can work through their problems together to stay in the relationship.

In general, marriage counseling Edmonton is a very successful form of treatment because it helps you find a path to a more fulfilling relationship.


You should consider marriage counseling Edmonton when you are constantly arguing, feel disconnected from your partner or have lost the spark in your relationship. These feelings can be caused by stress, lack of communication, or simply not understanding how to deal with issues in your relationship.

There are some signs that you should go to couples therapy:

  • Having the same fight over and over again without resolution
  • Feeling distant from your partner
  • A desire to improve your relationship
  • Poor communication with your partner
  • Feeling too attached to one another
  • Tackling a big life event like a new job, moving or a challenging decision
  • One or both partners are not satisfied with the relationship
  • Suddenly having a lot of tension and disagreements
  • The intensity between you and your partner has increased
  • You can’t stop fighting about the same things
  • You feel like giving up and don’t know how to make things better
  • Feeling sick of trying or like something is missing in your relationship
  • You want to work through your problems and have a better connection
  • Considering divorce or deciding whether or when to break up

If you’re facing any of these problems, couples therapy could be a good idea for you and your partner.


The amount of time you should be in therapy will depend on the issues you and your partner face. You may need a few sessions, or you may need to complete several months of treatment. Some couples can overcome their issues together without any formal marriage counseling Edmonton. However, it is always best to seek professional advice and guidance to ensure that you are on the right track and not doing more harm than good.

The best results happen when both partners are committed to the process of working through your problems. Before signing on for couples therapy, make sure that both of you are willing to make an effort to work on your problems. Otherwise, you could end up feeling frustrated with the counseling experience and not getting much benefit out of it.


If you believe your relationship may benefit from marriage counseling Edmonton, talk about it with your partner and see if they’re interested. If they’re resistant to it, talk about the benefits of marriage counseling Edmonton and why you believe it can help your relationship.

Once your partner agrees to marriage counseling Edmonton, the next step is to find a therapist. Ask your friends and family for recommendations or contact mental health service agencies in your area to get started.

If you’re looking for an online professional therapist, check out ReDiscover Psychological Services. We have a team of experienced and professional therapists who have the right qualifications to help you resolve your relationship issues.