Learn What Happens in a Family Therapy Session

What Happens in a Family Therapy Session? Sneak Peek Inside!

Navigating the intricate web of family dynamics is challenging. But what if you had someone who could help you in the middle of any situation your family is facing? Welcome to the world of family therapy, a realm where we dive deep into the heart of family interactions, understanding patterns and behaviours, but do it all in a collaborative and healthy manner. Let’s go on this journey together, one step at a time.

A Safe Haven for All

Family therapy is a space where everyone involved can freely and openly express their difficulties, emotions, and issues while working towards the common goal of achieving fulfillment, peace, and healing. Imagine engaging in a therapy space where every member, whether it be a school-aged child or a grandparent, feels heard and valued. It’s like going to a Sunday family brunch where everyone gets to share their week without interruptions. That is our aim with family therapy.

Beginning with Mutual Respect

The foundation of our sessions is mutual respect. Just like when we are learning a new game and set ground rules, therapy starts with understanding each member’s perspective. No voice is too small, and no concern is too trivial. The therapist is there to keep the space and experience in such a way that everyone attending feels appreciated even when points of view differ.

Delving into Diverse Concerns

Every family is unique, with its joys, challenges, and quirks. Together, we dive deep into these aspects, shining a light on areas that might have been overlooked. Each person brings their own point of view and experience to the family therapy space. There are many different issues that each person may be working through. Some of which include the following.

Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Perhaps it is the teen’s looming school exams or a parent’s work stress. Anxiety wears many masks. Through therapy, we will uncover its roots and arm the family with tools to combat it. No one is left alone to feel the heaviness of worry and fear. If we are honest, most people experience it to varying degrees at many points in their lives because it is a survival mechanism. However, it should not be making you physically sick along with wreaking havoc on your mental health. It is treatable and this is something we work on together.


When one family member experiences bouts of depression, it affects the collective unit. We will explore ways to support and understand, ensuring that no one feels alone in their struggle. It is possible to have healthy confidence even in the face of depression by challenging the negative thinking that comes with it.

Anger & ADHD

We all have our moments of frustration. Maybe your young one’s incessant energy bursts are misunderstood. In family therapy, we will decode these emotions, guiding the family in supporting each other with empathy. This safe space will allow for children to talk about their feelings but also guide them to how to cope with stressors that might derail their behaviour when they are unchecked. It goes the same for addressing unruly behaviour with the adults in the family.

Divorce & Family Conflict

Change is a constant, but it’s how we navigate the change that matter. Whether it’s understanding a sibling rivalry or adjusting to a new family structure post-divorce, we’re here to smooth the transition. In family therapy there is discussion around the problems that come with change and a plan is formed for how to deal with them.

Grief & Bereavement

Loss is an inevitable part of life. As a family, the grief can be magnified not to mention it is not a linear journey working through it. Family therapy sessions will provide a comforting space to process these emotions collectively no matter how twisted they can be.

Self Esteem

Whether it’s the eldest feeling the weight of responsibility or the youngest grappling with identity, self-worth is pivotal. Together, we’ll build bridges of affirmation and appreciation. Each person will be challenged to grow in confidence without seeking to be validated from others. This is where we must go inward and the challenge our self-views and worth. With the help of a therapist, it is possible to gain a healthy sense of self-esteem.

Exploring Through Activities

Therapy isn’t confined to conversations. Often, we’ll use interactive activities that offer insights into our behavior. Remember those family board game nights? Think of this as a more insightful version. Another method to making changes in behaviours, ways of thinking and patterns is to use exposure therapy. This is where you are gradually exposed to things, activities, and situations where there is fear in order to treat the issues that are present.

Charting the Course Forward

Our sessions are like family meetings, where we collaboratively set goals. It could be as simple as dedicating quality time over weekends or understanding each other’s boundaries. It’s all about progress, however small. Every family member participates in the setting of goals and the progression towards reaching them.

Concluding with Reflection

As we wrap up, we take a moment to reflect on our journey, cherishing the breakthroughs and understanding the challenges. It’s like a family yearbook, where we acknowledge both the highs and lows. Where we started, where we are and where we have yet to go is the way to truly reflect and feel the accomplishment of all the dedicated work put in to making the family healthy and thriving.

Parting Thoughts

Embarking on a family therapy journey is akin to setting sail together. There may be storms, but there is also the promise of serene sunsets. With every session, we fortify our ship, ensuring that no wave is too big to tackle. A healthy family that has stronger bonds, deeper understanding, and a harmonious life are the overarching theme on the journey of family therapy. The goal of family therapy is to find constructive ways to build the family stronger through any conflict or issue that comes along.