Back to school season is here, which can be both an exciting and stressful time for students. Whether you get straight A’s or are struggling to keep up, it is normal to feel some anxiety and have your concerns. However, significant amounts of stress can be bad for your physical health, mental health, and ability to cope with it all.

Students face tougher academic demands, competition within classes and extracurricular activities, social pressures, and all while navigating through adolescence. It can be a pretty intense ride but here are 8 handy tips in managing school stress to help you get through it:­

1. Schedule your sleeping hours

Just as you allot time for each important task, be sure to schedule in at least 8 hours a night for sleep. You cannot expect yourself to think on your feet and be productive if you are constantly sleep-deprived. Take good care of your health so it can take better care of you. If 8 hours seems impossible, get in as much as you can and take naps throughout the day (just not while in class!).

2. Eat well

We know it’s more convenient but running on junk food will not feed your brain. You need to eat meals packed with fiber, protein, and nutrients that can keep you energized throughout the day.

3. Get your steps in

One of the best ways to blow off steam and release endorphins is by exercising. If a full-blown workout is too much for your schedule, try to walk more, study while on the treadmill, and do a quick yoga session – anything! This can help lift your mood and keep you motivated throughout the day.

4. Deep breathing

When your body and mind are under a lot of stress, it is easy to feel a little clouded and not be able to think clearly. A quick way to reduce anxiety and lessen feelings of being overwhelmed is by taking in deep breaths.


Inhale through your nose: 4 seconds

Hold: 2 seconds

Exhale slowly out your mouth: 6 seconds


5. Discover how you study effectively

We all process information differently. Some can better understand through visuals, some through audio, some through sounding it out, and some through practice. By learning the most effective way for you, it will be less stressful to study and accomplish tasks.

6. Find an outlet

We all need outlets and healthy ways to blow off steam. Find what works best for you and allot time within the week (or day) to focus on it. It can be sports, spending time with loved ones, cooking, or joining clubs a school, up to you!

7. Clean out the clutter

Studies show that a cluttered environment increases amounts of stress and decreases productivity. A great way to lessen your triggers is to keep your area organized. If you can, listen to music while tidying up, it has multiple cognitive benefits that help calm you down. Music is also a great way to take control of your mood. Need a pick me up? Listen to your favorite upbeat single!

8. Use a little help

With so much stimuli and stress factors surrounding us, it is normal to struggle with relaxing. We can all use a little help. You can talk to your trusted friend, family member, or a counselor about your worries. Having someone on the outside looking in can bring about a fresh perspective and help you think of ways to ease your situation.